Monday, September 8, 2014

Important fall dates!

It was so great to see all of you last Friday for our first MOPS meeting of the new semester!  We wanted to get a few important dates on your calendar before everyone gets busy with fall activities.

This semester's breakfast schedule is up on the website, check it out here!

Our Ladies' Tea Fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, October 18 at 1pm.  It is our main fundraiser of the year and we depend on everyone for their donations and volunteer time to make it a success!  More info on that will come soon.

Our Moms' Night Out this semester will be a super fun Bunco night on November 14!  If you've never played Bunco before, don't worry.  It's really easy to catch on and it is a TON of fun to play!  Aside from Bunco, we'll have fun sharing yummy treats and having girl time.  Line up your babysitter now, ladies!

Remember, we have MOPS again this Friday...the only time this year we'll have two MOPS meetings in a row. If you haven't turned in your registration form and session fee yet, please remember to do so on Friday.

Thanks and we'll see everyone Friday at 9:15!

P.S. If you didn't make it last week but still want to join or check it out, it's not too late!!  Please join us!  Just email us at so we can plan childcare for your kiddos.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fall Session Starts Tomorrow!

Our new year of MOPS starts tomorrow!  We are so excited to see each of you!  We have a lot of fun crafts and great speakers planned.  And--spoiler alert!--you'll get out of making dinner one night and making a Thanksgiving pie, just for coming to MOPS!  Hooray!

Childcare will open tomorrow morning at 9am, and we will begin at 9:15.  You can still register through the link on the website, or you can register at the door.

If you're still on the fence about joining, feel free to join us anyway and try it out.

See you tomorrow morning!