2014-2015 Theme

It seems we spend all of our time doing two things- living and waiting to live.
If you are like us, that "waiting to live" category is comprised of a few things that make us uncomfortable, things that require courage to act. For us, it means that we have dreams we want to see realized, conversations that we need to have, and decisions we have been avoiding.
Sometimes realizing how significant an action is makes it harder to accomplish. We become paralyzed from acting because starting feels risky. The urgency of day-to-day demands make them the easiest to deal with.  But days, months and even years go by with the same opportunities standing in front of us, waiting to be chosen.
What we all seem to have in common is that we need a nudge--a nudge to get us out of our ruts and routines so that we can be reminded to risk bravely. 
At MOPS, we believe that you were meant to live deeply and so we have created this year’s theme to inspire you to choose the extraordinary.
"Be you, Bravely" is designed to help us become more ourselves, and to remind us that courage is always worth it and that we are all in this together. Cheering each other on toward our futures is the gift of community at MOPS.
We are so excited to journey alongside you this year as we ask one another what it means to “Be you, Bravely.”
Theme Verse:  Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:18-19   (NIV)

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